Monday, 11 June 2012

Embryo Transfer Day

We were schedule for the transfer in the morning but the transfer had to be cancelled as my womb lining was too thick after the scan. We will have to move on to freezing our 2 embryos and move on to the frozen embryo transfer program.

Dr Yu arranged for us to go back to see our specialist, Prof Tay for my endometriosis. I am back to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and can only start our frozen embryo transfer after clearing my endometriosis.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Embryo Status Report

After the surgery yesterday, i feel like i almost wanted to die. All the side effects from the anesthetic and the pain. My ovary on the right was too far to reach so they open a mini hole on my tummy for them reach it. I suspect i am suffering from Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). All the vomitting and feeling so bloated that i don't even have the appetite to eat.. just want to lay on the bed and not move.

Anyway, we received a call today from CARE to inform us they have retrieved 6 oocytes but only 4 were matured and 2 were fertilized. So we have 2 fertilized embryos as of today! YEAH!!!!

We were also told to go down to CARE for embryo transfer tomorrow morning!! So excited!! Can't wait till tomorrow!!

~"~Baby Dust~"~

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Egg Collection Day

7th June finally!! Day of egg collection. We arrived at CARE at about 7am waiting for our turn patiently. We went to the preparation room, change our shoes and clothes before the nurses started to insert the cannula with injection valve into my vein and ECG padding on my body. Dr Yu came in and started to inject me with anesthetic and within seconds, i'm out. My hubby was with me in the theatre during the whole egg collection process.

When i woke up, all i can do is vomit. Feeling all sick, i could drink or eat anything that was given to me. We were told by the lab person they have collected 6 eggs in total. Out of the 6 eggs, 4 matured eggs will undergo ICSI, and the other 2 were immature thus unable to proceed with ICSI. We waited till the anesthetic was over before going home to rest.

My hubby told me i sleep-talk during the process and Dr Yu has to increase the anesthetic dose as i was fidgeting during the process.

The next thing we can do is to wait for CARE to call and update us on our embryo status.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Officially Started!!

23rd May 2012
Yes!! I have officially started IVF (finally!!). Dr Yu has started me on 3 days Centrotide (paid $262.85). Dreadful as i would have to start the injection (ouch!! pain!!). Nurse Tan taught my hubby how to inject me. After that we are off on 2 more days of on-the-job training at home.

I was asked to return for review on Friday (25th May, AM) and we were asked to purchase Menopur (paid $802.50) at the National Dental Center (wonder why Menopur is solded at NDC). We went back to CARE after we had purchased Menopur. The process almost the same as Centrotide except the saline is not in the syringe.

I was to inject 225 I.U. (3 vials) mix with 1ml Sodium Chloride (1 vial) for a jab at night. I was asked to return for review on  30th May. 

Dr Yu increased the dosage to 300 I.U. (4 vials) mix with 1ml Sodium Chloride (1 vial) and return for review on 2nd June (which is tomorrow). Wonder if i will be given more injections.

Updated on 2nd June
More injection. I had to inject Centrotide in the morning and Menopur at night. As NDC pharmacy does not open on weekend, Nurse Tan offer to loan us Menopur and we had to return to her when we go back for review on 5th June.

Updated on 5th June
Finally last jab before egg collection!! We were asked to buy HCG 5000IU (paid $37). YES!!! We are to jab HCG tonight at 9pm and will be ready for egg collection on 7th June. Hopefully no OHSS!! The nurse told me to drink more H2O (preventive method for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Sydrome (OHSS). My hubby went to buy 2 bottles of H2O while i did abit of research for HCG injection. After reading a few blogs by other brave ladies, I've decided to use the traditional method. ICE!! I got a ice pack and apply on my tummy for about 5 minutes while hubby prepare for my HCG injection. Maybe i over freeze myself, hubby finds it harder to inject. After the injection, we can only pray for success.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Belief: Red Egg and Mee Sua

Dr Yu finally gave the green light to proceed with IVF and it's only my second visit to CARE! Not sure if it's the TCM that works or what but i guess it does help in someway.

I was diagnosed with complex hyperplasia without atypia but after the recent swab test. I'm finally cleared for this. Currently left with my PCOS symptoms, which i was diagnosed with high insulin. I have to continue taking metformin while waiting for the CARE team to arrange a date for me to start my IVF.

We were asked to complete the remaining test before we can book a date for extracting the eggs. We did blood test for STD as well as infection test.Gonna wait for another 2 weeks for the test results to return before we can book a date. We paid $500+ for the consultation and the blood test for both.

Just to share.
Recently, i also came across a page maintained by one of our local star, Mark Lee. Both his wife and him have been trying for a child. They heard from some aunties that if one sits on the bed of the couple who has just gave birth to a child will have baby luck. It is said that the couple must sit on the bed on day 12 of the new born's birth date and eat mee sua with red egg. If you are going to try, remember it's day 12. Both husband and wife must sit on the bed and eat mee sua and one red egg each.

I'm gonna give this a try this coming Friday!! Lucky for me, one of my colleague just gave birth. I've shared with her this belief and she agreed to let me try this method!! Gonna keep my fingers cross!! 

Baby dust!!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

My colleague tried TCM to increase the sperm quantity. Her hubby has been taking 补腰精 (TCM tonic for waist/back) for quite sometime. According to her, she mentioned that when her hubby take the tonic, the volume is higher when he ejectuate.

I've tried to ask my hubby to take after listening to her but he claims it is too heaty for him and he doesn't believe in TCM. He also doesn't like the taste of it. But nevertheless, we are trying our second bottle right now.

I've googled on one of the ingredients (cordyceps) in the tonic and it is said to improve sexual function in men and increase libido by stimulating production of sex hormone. Wolfberries is also said to improve men's sexual activity. Red dates can help increase sexual power.

I've double boiled cordyceps with kampong chicken soup for him yesterday. I'm using kampong chicken is because it is leaner so the soup would not be too oily. Ingredients of the soup include:
1) 1/4 kampong chicken
2) 1 small bunch of cordyceps (usually tied with red string; about 6 pieces)
3) 3-5 red dates
4) 1 teaspoon of wolfberries

For myself, i'm boiling black chicken with 八珍 (8 types of chinese herbs which you can buy from chinese medicine shop. It comes in a packet with the herbs, just need to wash before use). Other than this 8 herbs, you can take 白凤丸 (Bai Feng Wan). You can also double boil Bai Feng Wan with black chicken. There are two types of Bai Feng Wan available in the markket, one big pill or many small pills. The abovementioned tonics are mainly for woman (except cordyceps kampong chicken soup) after menses. The tonics above is said to nourish qi and blood.

Day 2: Blood Test & Ultrasound

We arrived at SGH at about 8am for my blood test and ultrasound. I was asked to pee before i do the ultrasound. The sonographer asked me to go over to the O&G centre for the scan which she will be doing for me.

The ultrasound takes about 10 minutes. I was asked to press on both side of the ovaries so that she can do a proper scan for me. When the test is about to complete, another sonographer came in to kpo abit, saw my ultrasound and says "not bad what, got quite a lot of follicles!" But my sonographer replied "ok la! Got good and bad." I wonder what she means by that.. Maybe she detected too many cyst?

After the ultrasound, the nurse asked me to go back to CARE room 4 for my blood test. She took 4 test tubes for my blood test, almost fainted when i saw it. ~>.<~

I checked my name and IC on the test tubes, complete the blood test (fasting insulin & glucose, full blood count (FBC), Progesterone, Estradiol (E2) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)).

Monday, 20 February 2012

First Consultation with Dr Yu @ CARE (SGH)

Just came home from our first consultation with Dr Yu of the CARE team. She is very experienced and patiently explain to us the procedures. She mentioned because of my weight, it will be harder for me so she has actually advised me to go to the LIFE centre for weight management. She has advised me to lose about 5 - 10% of my current weight. This is partially because when i becomes pregnant, i will gain 10 - 20kg. By losing weight before pregnancy, it will also lower down my risk of getting hypertension or diabetes.

She also did the endometrial biopsy as the last time i did was in year 2009. The results will only be out in 2 weeks time.

After the consultation with Dr Yu, the nurse brief us and wanted me to do some test. Initially she told me to come back with the forms which she has prepared for me to do the ultrasound and fasting blood test on the second day of my menses. She went to check with Dr Yu for some medications to start my menses. When she came back, she told me that I can do the test tomorrow. I was asked not to take any food and drinks after midnight till i finish all my blood test and ultrasound tomorrow.

We've paid about $370 for the biopsy test, consultation with Dr Yu and a super fast ultrasound by Dr Yu.

Will update on what test i'll be taking and my scanning results tomorrow.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Beginning of IVF

Few weeks ago, my gynae told my hubby and I that based on our test results, it will be hard for us to conceive naturally. He gave us a suggestion to go for IVF instead and we agreed. Immediateely, he asked his nurse to arrange to for us to meet up with the Centre for Assisted Reproduction (CARE) team for counselling.

We were lucky to get an appointment with them on the same day. The nurse showed us some slides and brief us on the IVF procedures. After going through the counselling, we decided to proceed with IVF and have asked the nurse to schedule us to meet up with the CARE team doctor.

I have been reading about IVF and not everyone is open about the IVF details. So I've decided to start this blog and share with everyone my experience.

Something more about myself. I am living in Singapore, married for 1 year 7 months. We have been trying the natural way to conceive since day 1 of marriage. I have tried TCM for a year but it didn't work. I have tried Basal Body Temperature (BBT) method to track ovaluation but it didn't work for me. My menses is not regular thus traditional methods won't work for me.

My gynae started me on clomid for 3 months followed by additional of metformin for another 2 months. The last time round, i was asked to take progesterone together with metformin and clomid.

Tomorrow we will be going to CARE for our first appointment. Will update once I'm back from my appointment.