Monday, 21 May 2012

Officially Started!!

23rd May 2012
Yes!! I have officially started IVF (finally!!). Dr Yu has started me on 3 days Centrotide (paid $262.85). Dreadful as i would have to start the injection (ouch!! pain!!). Nurse Tan taught my hubby how to inject me. After that we are off on 2 more days of on-the-job training at home.

I was asked to return for review on Friday (25th May, AM) and we were asked to purchase Menopur (paid $802.50) at the National Dental Center (wonder why Menopur is solded at NDC). We went back to CARE after we had purchased Menopur. The process almost the same as Centrotide except the saline is not in the syringe.

I was to inject 225 I.U. (3 vials) mix with 1ml Sodium Chloride (1 vial) for a jab at night. I was asked to return for review on  30th May. 

Dr Yu increased the dosage to 300 I.U. (4 vials) mix with 1ml Sodium Chloride (1 vial) and return for review on 2nd June (which is tomorrow). Wonder if i will be given more injections.

Updated on 2nd June
More injection. I had to inject Centrotide in the morning and Menopur at night. As NDC pharmacy does not open on weekend, Nurse Tan offer to loan us Menopur and we had to return to her when we go back for review on 5th June.

Updated on 5th June
Finally last jab before egg collection!! We were asked to buy HCG 5000IU (paid $37). YES!!! We are to jab HCG tonight at 9pm and will be ready for egg collection on 7th June. Hopefully no OHSS!! The nurse told me to drink more H2O (preventive method for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Sydrome (OHSS). My hubby went to buy 2 bottles of H2O while i did abit of research for HCG injection. After reading a few blogs by other brave ladies, I've decided to use the traditional method. ICE!! I got a ice pack and apply on my tummy for about 5 minutes while hubby prepare for my HCG injection. Maybe i over freeze myself, hubby finds it harder to inject. After the injection, we can only pray for success.