Monday, 11 June 2012

Embryo Transfer Day

We were schedule for the transfer in the morning but the transfer had to be cancelled as my womb lining was too thick after the scan. We will have to move on to freezing our 2 embryos and move on to the frozen embryo transfer program.

Dr Yu arranged for us to go back to see our specialist, Prof Tay for my endometriosis. I am back to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and can only start our frozen embryo transfer after clearing my endometriosis.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Embryo Status Report

After the surgery yesterday, i feel like i almost wanted to die. All the side effects from the anesthetic and the pain. My ovary on the right was too far to reach so they open a mini hole on my tummy for them reach it. I suspect i am suffering from Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). All the vomitting and feeling so bloated that i don't even have the appetite to eat.. just want to lay on the bed and not move.

Anyway, we received a call today from CARE to inform us they have retrieved 6 oocytes but only 4 were matured and 2 were fertilized. So we have 2 fertilized embryos as of today! YEAH!!!!

We were also told to go down to CARE for embryo transfer tomorrow morning!! So excited!! Can't wait till tomorrow!!

~"~Baby Dust~"~

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Egg Collection Day

7th June finally!! Day of egg collection. We arrived at CARE at about 7am waiting for our turn patiently. We went to the preparation room, change our shoes and clothes before the nurses started to insert the cannula with injection valve into my vein and ECG padding on my body. Dr Yu came in and started to inject me with anesthetic and within seconds, i'm out. My hubby was with me in the theatre during the whole egg collection process.

When i woke up, all i can do is vomit. Feeling all sick, i could drink or eat anything that was given to me. We were told by the lab person they have collected 6 eggs in total. Out of the 6 eggs, 4 matured eggs will undergo ICSI, and the other 2 were immature thus unable to proceed with ICSI. We waited till the anesthetic was over before going home to rest.

My hubby told me i sleep-talk during the process and Dr Yu has to increase the anesthetic dose as i was fidgeting during the process.

The next thing we can do is to wait for CARE to call and update us on our embryo status.