Thursday, 28 August 2014

what if...

Think i jinxed it again. Was thinking whether to break good news to our parents on 26th Aug and its gone by 28th. Guess we really have to listen to what our elders said. Do not announce arrival until 3 months later otherwise bad luck.

Was resting on bed when it happened on 27th Aug.. Felt a gush and i ran to the toilet leaving trail.. Stuck in the toilet but notice the bleeding did not stop. So i quickly dial for cab and rush to hospital. Called my hubby while on the cab.

Called Dr Yu and inform her about my situation and was asked to go O&G instead of A&E. Waited outside her clinic and as soon as the room is clear i rush in. She did a scan and confirm its still intact. She ask me to register for admission. She also ordered progesterone shot to be administered when warded. We waited almost 2 hours for the ward until i got pissed off. I ask the nurse to administer the shot but she had to get clearance. After asking a few times, finally they gave me the shot. 

Rested at the nurse room while waiting for bed. They were serving dinner when i was wheeled to the ward. 

The ward doctor came with 2 trainee doctor and i got a shock. There was a miscommunication somrwhere and when the doctor come he apologize about miscarriage. After clarification he mentioned there's a mixed up with another patient.

But true enough, when i did a scan this morning. Its gone. I'm angry and at the same time sad.

Sad about the lost. Angry with late administration of jab and ward. Angry with the miscommunication. Somehow i lost my faith in ivf and SGH. Everything was soooo sloooow. I keep thinking.. What if they administer the shot asap.. Could the ending change?

What if........ 

At the end of the day.. Back to reality.. What's gone is gone and never coming back..

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Good to see you again!!

And YES!! I did not jinxed round 3 and finally after a long wait here's my little fella!! And YES!!! There's a sac!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr Yu was abit worried as the sonagraher spotted a blood clot as well. Need to monitor closely.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Monday, 26 May 2014

Round 2 Frozen Cycle

After resting and grieving for about a month, we decided to continue IVF since we still have 8 frozen embryos.

Time to start jabbing again..
Hello Estradiol Valerate, Lucrin and Cyclogest....

Monday, 21 April 2014

Week 7

Having bad vib today after the scan. The sonagrapher told us we should be able to hear their heartbeat or at least see the yolk sac. So far none of both...

Babies please grow well!!

After seeing the sonagrapher, we met up with Dr Yu and she confirmed there's no yolk sac thus ask us to prepare for miscarriage.

We arrange for a date with the nurse to perform evacuation of uterus on 29th April.

Bye bye babies....

Monday, 14 April 2014

Week 6

Babies at week 6

Hello Babies!! Mommy and Daddy again!!!

Today is the 2nd time we meet my dear darlings!!! But another surprise for us!! Spotted a 3rd sac!! The sonagrapher told us maybe its too early to hear their heartbeat. After all, its still early pregnancy.

Met up with Dr Yong instead as Dr Yu is on leave. She told us no yolk sac was found in either and likely blighted ovum.. She told us to wait another week to check again.

Monday, 7 April 2014

See you for the first time

Hi baby!! This is mommy and daddy!!!! XOXOX

Its a twin!!! 2 sac spotted!!!!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Pregnancy Blood Test

Congratulations papa!! Its positive!! Finally after a looong wait! Yeah!!!! ~*~*~*~

A day to remember!! Baby!! See you in 2 weeks!! Mummy and daddy can't wait to hug you!.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Round 2 Embryo Transfer

Okie! Embryo Status Report first!

Total oocytes retrieved 24 (3 abnormal eggs) so left 21.
15 mature oocytess injected (ICSI)
12 oocytes fertilized

The lab have choosen 4 embryos but only can use 2 so wasted 2 ~>.<~
The remaining 8 embryos will be in hibernation till further notice

Hello embryos!!

Post embryo transfer blood test on 14th March and pregnancy blood test on 24th March.

Baby dust!!!!!!!!! ~*~*~*~

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Round 2 Egg Collection

After weeks of injecting menopur and centrotide, finally egg collection day. Had HCG injection on 6th March to prepare for egg collection and prevent OHSS.

Have retrieved 24 oocytes in total waiting for the lab to give us the embryo status and transfer on 11th March. Yeah!!! More oocytes means chances of more embryo!!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Pregnancy Blood Test

Okie! After one round of failed IVF, we are back to square one, egg retrieve cycle gonna begin again... dare not have too high hope this time round. I'm a bit skeptical this time, with tons of questions for Dr Yu. She said that I'm reading too much.. well, what do you expect for someone who has a round of failed ivf right?

Anyway, just had my day 1 menses today. Had called CARE earlier and was told to go down this friday for blood test as well as to buy the medication. We would also need to go down on Monday to do ultrasound scan. Let's see how things go this friday!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Just finish transfering the embryo today!! Keeping my fingers crossed and pray hard for blood test with good result on 20th Jan!

Meanwhile, lots of rest and to continue my estradiol valerate and progesterone jab instead of cyclogest.

Hello embryos!!

Baby dust!! ~*~*~*~

Monday, 20 January 2014

Actual Replacement Cycle

Finally starting the actual replacement cycle!!! Keeping my fingers crossed hoping to stay in good condition for embryo transfer!!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Trial Regulated Cycle (FET)

Today is Day 2 for my trial regulated cycle. I was asked to start inserting cyclogest till 16th January. It got kind of messy so do prepare at least a panty liner.

The purpose of trial regulated cycle is to ensure condition for embryo transfer. If the womb condition is not suitable, the chances of implantation would be low.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

1 year after HRT

I've been on HRT for about a year and finally my endometriosis cleared!

We went back to CARE to discuss with them about moving forward with our FET. Dr Yu put us on the Trial Regulated Cycle FET to make sure that my womb will be ready for the transfer before doing the Actual Replacement Cycle. Was given Estradiol Valerate to take on a daily basis and insert Cyclogest to start on day 15 till day 22.