It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. After my miscarriage in year 2014, my hubby and I decided to change to another gynae instead.
We've booked our appointment with Dr SF Loh from Thomson Fertility Centre and started our new ivf cycle. We paid about $10k after S4k deduction from medisave in total for the whole cycle (excluding the initial medication and other miscellaneous fee). We have retrieved 29 oocytes (one good thing about PCOS is I have lots of eggs), but only 18 where fertilized. We were also told to proceed to O&G Clinic at Thomson Medical Centre for Intralipid drip (~$220). I shall skip waiting part for viable scan etc to the result :). I am officially pregnant with a singleton. YEAH!!
We went for Anomaly scan at week 20 and it took us 3hours as our baby is not very cooperative :( and we have a baby boy on our way!! As of today, I am 5 months pregnant.