Today is the day! Finally I can get to see and hold my baby boy! The nurse came in the morning and told me that she will wheel me down to labour ward around noon time but I won't be able to have my lunch in case I required emergency c-sect.
Just before noon, I quickly took a nice long bath (Chinese belief no bathing for a month after birth). The nurse came shortly after and I was on CTG. The labour ward nurse insert a pill for me to poo before birth. I have no contraction pain even though the CTG shows contraction. Dr Loh came to check on me but I'm only 5cm dilated. As the membrane sweep is too painful for me, Dr Log suggested that I should take epidural. He called for the anesthetist and she came shortly after. I was given laughing gas while she prepare me for epidural. The wait after that was long. I was only wheeled into the birth room hours later.
After a few push, here's my baby!